Homily-Third Sunday of Lent-C-3-23-25-Fig tree-transformation-cabbie and elderly woman (revised)
Homily-Second Sunday of Lent-C-3-16-25-Becoming fully awake, they saw His glory-Kevin Carter, the vulture and the little girl
Homily-First Sunday of Lent-C-3-9-25-Temptations of Christ
Homily-8th Sunday in Ordinary Time-C-3-2-25-Did Jesus have a sense of humor
Homily-7th Sunday in Ordinary Time-C-2-23-25-Bridge builders
Homily-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time-C-2-9-25-Duc in altum
Homily-The Presentation of the Lord-C-2-2-25-Mary & Joseph, Anna & Simeon
Homily-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time-C-1-26-25-Catholic Schools Week-members of one Body in Christ-Respect for all human life
Homily-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time-C-1-19-25-Wedding Feast at Cana
Homily-Feast of the Baptism of the Lord-C-1-12-25-feeling wanted, loved and affirmed
Homily-Epiphany-1-5-25-Goat's hair
Homily-Holy Family Sunday-C-12-29-24-Mary kept all these things in her heart
Homily-Fourth Sunday of Advent-C-12-22-24-Jeremy is with Jesus
Homily-Third Sunday of Advent-C-12-15-24-What should we do
Homily-Second Sunday of Advent-C-12-8-24-Fr. Solanus Casey
Homily-First Sunday of Advent-C-12-1-24-God is always with us-Henry Viscardi-ever green
Homily-Christ the King-B-11-24-24-out of the box
Homily-33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time-B-11-17-24-what to do with our guilt
Homily-32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time-B-11-10-24-Widow's mite and overcoming grief
Homily-31st Sunday in Ordinary Time-B-11-3-24-where and when God is(1)
Homily-29th Sunday in Ordinary Time-B-10-20-24-That we may sit at your right and left-The Old Rugged Cross
This link goes with the Homily for 10-20-24: https://youtu.be/80Lhb1Nljag?si=PNK1KdR6jO7FZY00
Homily-28th Sunday in Ordinary Time-B-10-13-24-rich young man
Homily-27th Sunday in Ordinary Time-B-10-6-24-Respect Life Sunday-Stewardship Commitment Sunday
Homily-26th Sunday 9-29-24-Stewardship Commitment Weekend Two-Lay Mnistry Video-What needs editing in my life
Homily-25th Sunday 9-22-24 the servant of all-Introduction to Stewardship Renewal-Weekend One
Homily-22nd Sunday 9-1-24
Homily-23rd Sunday 9-8-24
Homily-24th Sunday 9-15-24